IP Nexia Press Release October 2018
Several years after putting its focus on Voice over IP, IP Nexia is announcing today an important capital increase. Thanks to a mature market and the signature of important customers, the shareholders have decided to invest again in the IP Nexia project. With this investment, the historical shareholders are supporting this capital increased which in total sums up to 2 million euro.
Demands for Voice over IP over the last two years have finally exploded in Belgium and IP Nexia is benefiting from its earlier investment and focus. As a result, important key customers have opted for a strong partnership with IP Nexia which is now harvesting the fruits of its effort.
IP Nexia succeeded in this high demanding market of B2B customers. Unfortunately over the last year, a high churn in legacy customers has been noticed but this does not show the rationality of the strategy or the investments and IP Nexia is now certain that the strategy chosen is the right path to follow.
With Voice over IP demand rising as it has never done before on the Belgian Market, IP Nexia has also decided to reach out further away and extends its project to the Luxemburg Market.
In addition, IP Nexia will launch in October its brand-new Mobile Solution. With a new partnership with Telenet, IP Nexia as MVNO, has found the perfect partner to allow to create a mobile solution associated with all the services, the B2B market has been demanding.
These new projects will be added to our existing challenges such as the integration of VoIP solution with the best of the market in CRM/ERP or to keep our secured infrastructure safe from always more creative hackers.
For Hugues Taittinger, President of the IP Nexia Board: “IP Nexia keeps following its development strategy and has now positioned itself as a main actor of the Telecom B2B market in Belgium. The shareholders are proud to be able to actively support the people behind the success story of IP Nexia.”
For Michel Coric, CEO of IP Nexia: “A new chapter is about to begin for IP Nexia which keeps reinforcing its strategy focusing on VoIP, Mobile and Connectivity Solutions. We are certain that the IP solutions are the locomotive of this strategy and that it will allow us to keep achieving new projects and acquire new skills”